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Okay, this is just a little something that you might want to know so please let me have your attention!

This Blog was officially made in May 5th, 2013 and was named "All About"!
This blog was run by 11 admins (including me) and 1 author (that's me).
1 month after we ran the blog together and we got about more than 900 visitors on that time, 2 of us stopped and followed by a week later, again 2 of us stopped too! We were so confused and didn't even know why the heck it happened the way like that. So we decided to change the blog's name and stop running the blog for a while and will be back when we're ready to get back on the trail. There were only 7 admins left that time (including me), so we changed the blog's name with "Channel 7th".
After about 2 and a half months of preparing, we got back on the trail in September 9th, 2013 and we were so highly prepared to rock back!

And until now, there are still 7 admins (including me) running this blog and we have sworn to stay loyal to this blog til the fxckin end! That's how we roll...

Oh yes, and allow me to introduce myself and the other 6 admins!
I'm Andy ( the admin and the author of this blog ) and Adam, Denise, George, Bobby, and Sinister!
Of course we all speak English, but sometimes Denise and I speak Indonesian too (we're brother and sister)!
I think that's all for now! We'd be glad to receive some great responds from you all people :-)
Thank you for your time...


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